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Twitch Streamer Bl8nkP8ge joins Primordial Radio covering for Dewsbury

Published / Wed 24 Feb 2021

Bl8nkP8ge joins Primordial Radio

Photo: BlankPage_Landscape

Bl8nkP8ge joins Primordial Radio

Primordial Radio is very excited to announce that Twitch streamer and presenter extraordinaire Bl8nkP8ge will be joining the on-air team!

It’s an extremely challenging time for all of us right now but throw in the need for back surgery at the same time and you’re gonna need some time out to heal, recuperate and come back stronger!

We wish Dewsbury all the best for his surgery and look forward to having him back at the beginning of April. Take it easy big man, but please FFS no deadlifting!

Stepping in to help cover Dewsbury’s show will be Bl8nkP8ge, an Aussie Twitch streamer who loves to drink whiskey, have some good banter and play rock & metal vinyl live… Yup he’s gonna fit  like a glove here at Primordial Radio and we can’t wait to hear him on-air Monday – Thursdays 13:00 – 15:00 (GMT).

Bl8nkP8ge – “Oh fuck yeah what a fucking honour to be asked. Absolutely in and proud to be part of it, I am pumped!!”

You can check out his Twitch channel and find out more about Bl8nkP8ge at –

You can find the full schedule with all the changes here –

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