Back when Jesus was a boy we asked you to submit your ideas for the Primordial Sup (much better if I knew how to get umlats onto things) Beer label. ‘Member that? Oh, the good ole days when you didn’t have to lock your door and Dewsbury (the place) was nothing but orange groves. Anyway, we finally got round to having a chat with Sorrel, Pig & Porter’s designer, and went through the entries and made a decision…sort of.
One of the many things I love about our community is when given a singular idea what comes back is so different and diverse. It amazes and intrigues me how people’s brains work and being introduced to a completely different concept than the one I originally formulated in my head. This proves to me how much we need to offer things you design. T-Shirts for example – you go to the store and build what you want. You pick the style, colour, cube colour and your own hashtag. How cool would that be when we gathered and we were wearing things of own creation that were a reflection of ourselves? I’d have a yellow, non zip hoodie with an orange cube with #pandaskincarwaxmitt. I’ll add that to the to-do list. In the meantime have a look at what I mean.
So different. So good. From this we have design ideas that extend well beyond the beer label and will use in the future. Ideas beget ideas but they first need cultivation.
We did, however, have to choose a design Sorrel could work with and in true Primordial style we have decided to combine the work of…
Caz Guerney
and David Nichols
We thought for a label and the doohickey thing on the pump these would draw attention to themselves. Caz and David’s name will adorn the labels of Primordial Sup and they each will receive a case of SUP when it is available. On that note, we are looking to have an online canned supply ready in July and the keg supply ready in the next few weeks. If you are a publican, know a publican, or indeed have ever been inside a pub that will benefit by having Primordial SUP available please throw the details my way and I will chase them up. [email protected] please.
Now, let’s leave Caz’s and David’s creation to hump. When their lovechild is born we shall have an unveiling.
Thank you to all who submitted, you are Primordial.