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The FAMily Album EP37 – Kieran Goodwin

Published / Mon 23 Nov 2020

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FAMily Album Podcast Logo

featuring Kieran Goodwin

Episode 37 of The FAMily Album podcast is now live featuring fellow northerner Kieran Goodwin. He and Dews chat about life, cars, and working all through 2020. Dews also realises that he and Kieran go back waaaay further than he thought! Oh, and they discuss one of the greatest albums of all time; Rage Against The Machine’s self-titled 1992 debut.

Almost compulsory trailer….

What is the FAMily Album Podcast ?

We occasionally play an album in full here at Primordial Radio, but every now & then we’ll hand the album choice over to YOU and get you on-air to have a chat about it. This podcast is the recording over those chat, minus the music.

*The full podcast is available exclusively for Primordial Radio members via the website or via the Primordial app.

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