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16th January 2021 – The Up-Vote !

Published / Wed 6 Jan 2021

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A Date for Your Diary
The most-liked 100 songs as voted for… by you!

Throughout 2020, Primordial Radio has been secretly canvasing your opinion of the music we play… yeah, remember those thumbs up/thumbs down buttons? GOTCHA (*)!

Primordial Radio Upvote Logo

It’s the Primordial Radio Upvote… the biggest and best songs we’ve played over the last year, all in one handy show.

Music Director Pete Bailey; First and foremost, I would like to thank our incredible tech wizards for making this possible, since we integrated the voting system into the app ithas been incredibly popular with our members with over 9000 total artist entries! We all know the majority of “top lists” and “countdowns” are bullshit and decided by a few people on a committee, so I’m incredibly proud we’ve been able to put together a rock and metal top 100 that has 100% been decided democratically by our members. There’s no doubt going to be some surprises, and I can’t wait to listen the whole day, see you on the 16th!

The Primordial Radio Up-Vote will start at 9:00am on Saturday 16th January 2021 and run all day until we get to Number 01. Listeners can tune in at and the full results will also be published shortly after the Number 01 artist has been announced.
If you would like to get involved and start voting for your favourite bands on the station, download our app now at –

Thank you for your continued support of Primordial Radio, without you we wouldn’t be here, and we look forward to seeing you on the 16th January 2021. – The Primordial Radio Team

(*) But er, keep it to yourself… our lawyers say we’re walking a thin line with this secret data mining thing…

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