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A great guide from Tony W on how to get Primordial Radio up and running on Alexa with MyPod

Update July 2019 – There is now a native Primordial Radio Alexa Skill !


Please note:
This guide was made using a PC running Windows 10 (64 Bit), with Firefox browser 59.0.2, and an iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 10.3.3, therefore some of the screens and functions may differ slightly from those you experience. This is intended as a guide only, not a comprehensive instruction manual. If you prefer, download the Primordial on Alexa with MyPod Guide PDF

  • Obtain your unique Primordial full stream URL.  There are many ways of obtaining it.  This method shows the way to view the source code from the Popout Web Player,using a PC with Windows 10/Firefox browser, by Right-clicking and selecting View Page Source.

Primordial on Alexa Step 1.png

  • Next, highlight and copy your unique full stream URL from the source code.  It’s the section shown here between two sets of inverted commas, beginning with:


In some cases, it may show an IP Address instead of the “” part, like this:


Do not include the inverted commas, only copy the characters between them.
You may wish to save this link elsewhere for future use, but please bear in mind the actual link may change periodically as website and server developments/new features are added.
Note: The part after the “=” sign are your unique credentials to access the full stream.  Please do not share this information with anyone else.

Primordial on Alexa Step 2

  • Open the Alexa App on your Mobile Phone and enable the My Pod skill (All 3 steps shown).

Primordial on Alexa Step 3-1 Primordial on Alexa Step 3-2 Primordial on Alexa Step 3-3









  • Go to and Sign in with the same Amazon account credentials that you use for your Alexa device.  This is important to link it to your Alexa device account.

Primordial on Alexa Step 4

  • Enter a name for your playlist (i.e. Primordial Radio etc.) and click on Create:

Primordial on Alexa Step 5

  • Next enter a name in the link name box (again suggest Primordial Radio – Cannot be blank), and paste your unique full stream link that you copied from step 2 (above) into the link URL box and click on Create Link.

Primordial on Alexa Step 6

That’s it!  It may take a very short while for the link to be available to your Alexa account, but so far in testing it has worked literally straight away.

To start playing the full stream on your Alexa device just say “Alexa, ask My Pod to play Primordial Radio”.  You can also use the following commands:

  • “Alexa, tell My Pod to play Primordial Radio.”
  • “Alexa. Stop.”
  • “Alexa, pause.”
  • “Alexa, shut up.”
  • “Alexa resume.”
  • “Alexa tell My Pod to resume.”

But the most important command is:

“Alexa, volume ELEVEN!”

Enjoy! 😉

For more info. about My Pod, please follow this link: