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FAMail – got a story to tell ?

Published / Mon 25 May 2020

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Everything we do here at Primordial Radio is done for the community and what makes the community so fucking brilliant is all of you!
There are so many great stories that we hear face to face, through the features on air, through the #PRFam on social media, but we also want to share those stories through our new Famail newsletter.

You will still get the Sup newletters about events, merch and other important news but for Famail the main content will need to come from you!

What are we looking for? Anything and everything… Well, almost anything.

It could just be details of a Fam meet up before a gig or at the pub, or news about your own band, or other event type stuff. There is definitely room for all of that (once we are allowed to go out again).

More importantly though we want to share your stories to shine a light on what makes this community truly unique and gives us all that warm fuzzy feeling (and that’s not because we’ve pissed our pants). … Recent events have really demonstrated a fuck-tonne of amazing things going on.

Our six pillars are:

Music, Fun, Environment, Innovation/ Ideas, Mental Health, Community

At Primordial three big ideas are valued above all others:

  • The Power of One
  • Fiercely Independent yet Not Alone
  • Serious About a Good Time

So if there is an element of that in your story even better, but the most important thing about your story is well… you… so just be yourself… (unless you’re Hitler)

Speaking of which… don’t worry about if you aren’t the best speller or your grammar is a bit rusty, we’ll break out the red & green pens and polish it up for you (#shesaid) ?

Oh and nothing political or offensive, ya know anything we are unlikely to use.  That would be a waste of everyone’s fucking time.

So remember you can always email us to check beforehand if you are unsure if your story will be of interest or if you want some guidance on how to compose it, but the following tips may help:

  • It needs to pass the ‘So fucking what?’ test, why should people care? (You may be surprised and how easy it actually is to pass this test)
  • Make it personal
  • Make it authentic (works of fiction not currently accepted)
  • Pick one of our values/ pillars if it helps (this should be easy too)
  • It should focus on particular moments or events (including the good, bad and the ugly though you may want to use their real names if you are referring to Moose, Pete and Dews).
  • Try to keep your word count to 600-1000 words maximum (otherwise we will have to cruelly hack it down).
  • We may accept audio and video submissions but get in touch to discuss if you want to do that
  • It goes without saying if you want to use your story to pass on some inspiring wisdom to the Fam we will drink to that… Or should that be we’ll get drunk to that?!

If we choose to use your story (if we get inundated we may not get to it straightaway and we cannot guarantee we will) we will aim to let you know, but as you all know we’re a bit lazy so this may not happen.

If your story is used it will appear in the newsletter, on the website and possibly also on social media… so be sure you are happy to share it with everyone as once it’s unleashed into the universe we can’t get it back (though we will do our best to ensure it isn’t shared again if you really have changed your mind).

For example if you are talking about sensitive issues such as mental health please be sure you are comfortable with your story being shared. We can always anonymise stories if you prefer.

With that in mind also ensure you have permission from anyone else you may include in your story as we don’t need that kind of aggro! Play nice you lot but if you can’t here is a gentle reminder…

Our rules of engagement –

  1. Don’t be a dick
  2. Do the right thing
  3. When in doubt refer to Rule #1

If you have a story you wish to contribute or want to ask a question please get in touch [email protected]



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