The Head Bangers Kitchen Vote
Got your apron ready?
We put the vote to you and you decided Sahil ‘Demonstealer’ Makhija will be cooking Akuri – Spicy Indian Scrambled Egg
Which Recipe for Head Bangers Kitchen on the Lockdown All-Dayer ?
- Akuri - Spicy Indian Scrambled Eggs (40%, 93 Votes)
- Easy Chicken Curry (37%, 85 Votes)
- Mum's Special Cheese Toast (23%, 52 Votes)
Total Voters: 230

If you would like to cook along with Sahil and Moose, these are the ingredients you’ll need;
- 2-3 Eggs (Depending on your appetite)
- Chopped Onion (about 50grams)
- Chopped Tomato (About 100 grams)
- 1 Tbsp Ghee/Butter/Bacon Fat (basically any cooking oil/fat)
- About 1/2 Tbsp of chopped coriander/cilantro
- A 1/2 Tsp each of cumin powder, turmeric powder, red chilli powder and coriander powder or just your fav curry powder will do.
- Salt & pepper to taste.
The stream starts 9th May 2020 at 3pm (BST) live on social media via Primordial Radio’s Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Twitch.