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NHS Rules T-shirt – only 100 available

Published / Thu 2 Apr 2020

nhs rules t-shirt

Photo: nhsrules

Only 100 available
Grab the updated preorder Primordial Radio Rules T-Shirt

Pre order starts at 10pm tonight

nhs rules t-shirt

Hit up the merch store now

We also have Cover photos for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram artwork for profile pics and sharing on socials networks. Also downloadable print at home posters – to put in windows etc. You can download here

All proceeds to NHS Charities Together


NHS Charities Together is a collective experience representing, supporting and championing the work of the NHS’ official charities. NHS Charities give £1million a day to the NHS, providing vital funds to help the NHS do more. Through NHS Charities Together member charities collaborate on nationwide fundraising and advocacy campaigns, such as celebrating the NHS Birthday every year on 5th July with the NHS Big Tea.

NHS Charities Together also provides specialist advice and guidance to our members through visits, and one to one support via email and phone calls. Our bespoke conferences and training days cover the most relevant issues and development needs for NHS Charities, as well as providing ample opportunities for networking and mutual support. Members also have access to online resources and support through the exclusive members area on our website.

NHS Charities Together also provide the National voice for NHS Charities, champion key projects and themes that best enhance patient care and experience, and the impact NHS Charity funds make.

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