This is a bit businessey, but its good news. We all could always do with a bit of good news. The member numbers are going up. Great news.
Everyone seems to be smashing the Everyone Gets One in an attempt to earn their points and hopefully usurp one of the presenters after putting together a stunning show of their own.
As this missive is typed, the numbers are… (insert your own drumroll for the increasing tension effect)
In case that image didn’t work, we are up to 1339 of you beautiful, wonderful, strawberry smelling (oh, just me) people.
The number is creeping up and a great promotional job was done last weekend at, erm, not sure if I should mention it again, well, you know where.
What do you mean you don’t know what Everyone Gets One is ?
“Let’s face it, if it weren’t for you there would be no Primordial Radio and we recognise your importance and influence. This power created Primordial Radio and provided the bedrock from which to build in our next stage of evolution – Everybody Gets One.
In it’s initial iteration Everybody Gets One is:
In corporate bullshit – A referral based rewards intiative designed to grow membership and reward existing members.
In Primordial speak – We’re asking you to recommend us and give a free 3 month free trial to someone who might dig what we do. If they become a member you are rewarded. The more members you get, the bigger your reward.”
Find out more, including what is in it for YOU here