So we put a little info in the last newsletter about the new Telegram service. Blunty wanted to say we “touched base” but that is way to much of a twatish phrase for a missive of this calibre.
After a few days of testing, we reckon this is the best option for a non-social-media way to share news and updates from Primordial using an app/desktop program.
What we missed out last time is useful things such as what it is called and links to get you right to the heart of the action.
We have created a news channel called “Primordial Radio News Dump” it will deliver “content” direct to you with out a wanky Facebook/Twitter algorithm getting in the way.
More info on telegram can be found at: as well as the desktop installs.
If you want to join the channel here is the link:
For the mobile app, hit up your respective App store/Play store and search Telegram