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Top 5 Ways To Spontaneously Human Combust

Published / Wed 4 Oct 2017

I struggled giving this bit a snappy, attention grabbing headline so googled ‘what makes a good headline’ and evidently sensational lists work.    You’re reading this.  So there.   It’s ironic I am concerned about headlines particularly following my time in the Valley of the Ultra Wankers but once you realise everyone is a hypocrite it’s easier to live with yourself.  The real loin shuddering headline for this should be ‘Technical Support Update”.

Been quite a week at Primordial with the Aberdeen Primordial Süp and official station launches but the really important event was the launch of the membership platforms.  Membership is the foundation upon which we will build and it’s important we get it right.  So far, the technical difficulties have been challenging.   If you don’t believe me here’s a recent photo of Mark Bentley.

Don’t despair as he is made of stern stuff and working through the issues even though his fingers melt his keyboard.

Big thanks to Richard ‘Blunty’ Blunt as he stuck up his hand and set-up an efficient support system which allocates issues to the correct individual and tracks it to completion.  The system is called JIRA so we are now making endless GO JIRA gags.

Seriously though, shit is happening.   See for yourself from an email I actually opened today:

So this-morning we had a bumper crop of new requests fueled by Moose
publicising the support email.

We have at the point of typing this resolved about 50% of the 50 requests
sent in since we launched it yesterday.

From looking over the support requests we have been getting in there are 3
main issues:

1 - the authentication error [this was fixed this morning and as a result
we have had 0 requests come in for this since)
2 - account upgrade failures
3 - app issues 

Impressive stuff.

We are doing our best to get to and rectify every concern but need them in one place so please send all queries to [email protected] and ensure the seconds it took Blunty to set-up this system don’t go to waste.

Check back for another thrilling update tomorrow.

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