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Zero Suicide Alliance – Free Training

Published / Thu 12 Sep 2019

If you heard Shorty’s show  on the 10th September which is World Suicide Awareness Day, you would have heard him mention the Zero Suicide Alliance and their free online training course.

Zero Suicide Alliance Logo

It only takes 20 minutes and helps give you the confidence to be by someone’s sides – check it out over at their website .

If you are new to Primordial, Mental Health forms one of the Six Pillars of Primordial and we know that it is “OK to not be OK”.  Over the last two years, we have increased our efforts in helping, where we can, to raise awareness of Mental Health issues and to help raise funds for groups such as Manchester Mind, Sophie Lancaster Foundation and CALM.
And it’s not just “Primordial Radio”, the #PRFAM community, off their own bat, have hosted charity events and schemes to help similar organisations either in terms of equipment or donations to help their fund-raising.

Everyone helps where they can.

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