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Erm, so about owwb clues on a Friday

Published / Mon 24 May 2021

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Not sure how to play ? Want to know about #owwbrewind ? Check out the new #owwb page.

You know when your computer reminds you to do something, and then you snooze it to pick up later ?
Yeah, so that happened and Blunty forgot as well !
The OWWB clues are brought to you by the LockDown gym bunny and “Mocker in Chief” of the Queen of the Hangovers – Mr Rob Steen !

1. wife
2. cavity
3. renowned
4. #iamprimordialradio
5. amy
6. automatic
7. memory
8. r&r
9. obstacles
10. arsonist
11. warning
12. assault
13. thirteen

Entries close TUESDAY but you get the whole weekend to head scratch, disappear down rabbit holes OR
there is the choice to take the slacker option !

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