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Primordial Radio Newsletter – signed up yet ?

Published / Mon 25 May 2020

One Newsletter, multiple flavours

Signed up to the Primordial Radio newsletter ?
No ? Please read on dear reader, you might be missing out…..

By signing up to the Primordial Radio newsletter you get Primordial Radio news, delivered personally by a highly trained team of 1&0’s, direct to your inbox.

You sometimes get advanced notice of “stuff”; it might be merch, it might be an exclusive, it might be newsletter “only” content or where Primordial NEEDS your input

If you aren’t signed up, here are a couple of bits that you may have missed :

We are going to be carrying out some research to help with the future of Primordial Radio. This is in conjunction with a company called Gobby, so don’t be all confused and think it has something to do with a new show or character
It’s your station, so we need to ask what you want and expect from us. If you tell us what it needs to be, then that’s what we can do, you pay us after all.
Nothing needed yet, just wanted to let you know something is coming

FAMail – heavily themed around the Primordial Radio Fam, a focus on YOU – the last edition had exclusive stories by Michael & Stewart .  Want to get involved ?  all the specifics from Sam are here

So to sum it up, one newsletter, multiple topics, no need to for keeping an eye on socials or the website or missing out if you can’t listen.

Go on, get yourself signed up……or not, the choice is always yours (well nearly always)

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