Fanfare please……
we made the Small Business Saturday UK #SmallBiz100 !
Small Business Saturday UK is a campaign, which highlights small business success and encourages consumers to ‘shop local’ and support small businesses in their communities. In the 100 days preceding, 100 lucky small businesses get featured and we made the grade !
In Primordial Radio’s world, rock and metal fans are our community and we are extremely proud of the support we receive AND can give back to others.
One example of this is our soon to be launched Bazaar, giving small business owners in the Primordial Community to advertise and network with other businessess – hop over here to grab your pitch
Now in its seventh year in the UK, the campaign has grown significantly each year with an estimated £812m spent in small businesses across the UK on 2018’s Small Business Saturday – an 8% increase on last year !
Making those little changes and shopping with a Small business make s a huge difference ! Check out their website and see if there is a Small Business in your area that you can help make a difference to.