The Show with No Name – Exclusive to Primordial Radio
Juls, aka Mrs Barkel, aka “Can I interest you in buying some beer” will be hosting her very own 1 hour show on Monday 21st January 2019 at 5pm.
Juls is blazing a trail on the Primordial Radio Everybody Gets One (EG1) scheme and has earnt enough points to get her own show.
Despite the rumours, the show will not be a Type O Negative fest, but a hand picked selection of her favourite bands and songs over the last 20 odd years, even Mr Barkel has had a pick (#shesaid, sorry just slipped in) of the tunes !
Wanna know more about the EG1 scheme? Take a look over here As a “referral based rewards intiative designed to grow membership and reward existing members” it’s pretty cool and everyone benefits!